Visitors to Virgo Sort Details ~ 3 Aug 2016

While checking out NASA’s Juno mission website, I found: “In Greek and Roman mythology, Jupiter drew a veil of clouds around himself to hide his mischief. It was Jupiter's wife, the goddess Juno, who was able to peer through the clouds and reveal Jupiter's true nature.”

Interesting. When Jupiter was first defined as a planet and named way back when, certainly the planet’s atmosphere and intricate cloud formations were not known. And now as Juno spends the next years dipping below Jupiter’s atmosphere for a detailed look at the magnificent planet, back on Earth, “transparency,” as an indication of clarity, truthfulness and full disclosure looms huge in our consciousness.

As such, given upcoming transits, interesting mental tidbits, curious facts, provocative questions and details in which the devil or deity may be contained, stand in the wings ready to take center stage.

Later today and into tomorrow the Moon in Virgo, joins Mercury in the early degrees of a sign the messenger rules. Given the emotionality of the Moon, the mental gears of Virgo, decisions in the next few days battle between logic and feelings. There's no right answer as to which is better.

Given that Mercury loves data, Virgo lusts for details and both can work words to find multiple ways to ask the same skillfully dodged questions, this should be a most interesting time. Factoids, out of context quotes, misinformation, sleight of hand, lions, tigers and bears, oh my!

Friday, while as Moon completes a clean sweep of Virgo, Venus joins the field of Virgo wanderers, adding a polish to works in progress and an impassioned plea for doing things right, with thoughtfulness, and clarity of intent.

Later this month, Mercury retrogrades in Virgo, remaining within the sign’s precisely surveyed boundaries until October 7th.


For the next three and a half weeks give or take, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, supported by long term transit of Orcus in Virgo (the other Pluto) and the lunar node seek to straighten crooked life paths and align the doing of details that requires heads down attention, with long range, lift up your vision and heart sorts of aspirations.

It’s worth nothing that Orcus oversees the keeping of promises. Perhaps the promises with the most punitive sting are those promises one makes to oneself, especially when setting goals, defining project completions, and heaping up small accomplishments to fulfill huge objectives. A few suggestions:

 > Sometimes projects require the participation of others who do not place your timeline or quality standards at the top of their lists. Those are situations outside your control. While it would be up to you to monitor ongoing progress, remember you can lead horses to water...

> New ideas at their arrival require 283 seconds of dedicated thought to become properly developed according to galactic energy bursts behind the early degrees of Virgo and Sagittarius. Each new thought is worth five minutes of concentration at the get go.

> Any job worth doing is worth doing right.

> Be gentle with yourself, especially when encountering feedback, reviews and edits.

> Promise Orcus that you will keep your intent clear: to do what you came to do in this incarnation, even if that objective is presently undefined.

While we anticipate the Mars’ Sagittarian alignment with Saturn in the third week of August as a “let’s roll and rock on toward great plans” transit, let us not overlook the detail that on Friday (Aug. 5), Mercury squares Saturn, from Virgo to Sagittarius. Friday’s square sits a body down at the planning table, places all the tools in clear view such that the blueprinting of a solid plan can occur. Be ready to think things through... even and especially the previously mind-boggling, seemingly unsolvable situations. Plots untangle, puzzle pieces join more easily given a look at stuck situations from a radically different point of view. Yep, turn that outline 90 degrees and stare at it a spell. It’s not out of the box thinking... it’s rotate that box thinking.

On August 13th Venus perfectly executes the same square to Saturn. Given Venus attention turns to “how do we get funded?” Since Saturn offers up more conservative fiscal approaches and traditional methodologies first, maybe consider funding in sequential steps. Maybe this month instead of the million bucks you think you can get on crowd-funding, piece together enough to form the LLC, apply for a copyright, or print a presentable business plan. Then, steps forward can heap up positive results, moving all plans forward without overthinking or overestimating.

With all the Virgo influence in play, overthinking can occur. When weighing options in the decision making process, consider that if you cannot decide within three reviews of data, perhaps more information is required. Ensure that the 283-second development cycle applies to new ideas. If not, recall some of those initial brainstorm swirling ideas, striving to recreate similar creative barometric pressures.

Basically from August 26th through September 4th, as Mercury stations retrograde, the messenger is aligned with Jupiter. Since Jupiter is big and Mercury is speaking, some hefty exaggerations and projections may slip off the tongue or find their way into e-mails, posts and tweets. Avoid the urge to spin yarns or overestimate capabilities and results. Leave the self-aggrandizement for those running for office. Prepare to be amazed. Whoppers will be told.

On August 27th, Venus meets up with Jupiter. You never know... with facts and figures formatted in neat furrows in the fields of Virgo spreadsheets... with details defined... with intention clarified... good things may come. This is a fortunate pattern... very fortunate for those with completed Virgo homework.

Should all be crystal clear, right? Sure, except for the 8th when Mercury opposes Neptune, and the 15th when Venus opposes Neptune and the 26th when Mars squares Neptune. On those days (or a few either side) see if you wake up a few minutes earlier to savor returning from dreamland. Allow for some mental vacation time... listen to tunes, watch a great movie, tune into the Cosmos.

More soon...